It is time to make yourself a priority again.

Learn how to Manage your Caregiver Burnout

and Step into your EmpowHERment

Caregiver Burnout is very real and causes problems that many don’t even realize. Managing the Burnout will allow you to TRANSFORM your life in ways you gave up thinking were possible.

It is my passion and privilege to work with you on your journey for change.

  • Release mom guilt

  • Master your boundaries

  • Learn the art of self care

  • Master the art of creating time

  • Feel EmpowHERed


I am a Certified Special Needs Parenting Coach, Registered Yoga (RYT200) and Meditation Teacher.

I help special needs moms manage Caregiver Burnout and step into their EmpowHERment.

My son Josh has special needs I know the struggle and the loneliness that comes with needing to care for and protect your child in a world that isn’t designed for them. I understand abandoning your own needs for them. I also, understand that if you don’t take care of yourself you will break. We sometimes need help, so we are able see the possibilities, find our strength, and make ourselves a priority, again.

Another one of my specialty areas is helping women of all walks of life manifest the life they have been dreaming about into reality. Have you ever felt stuck? Want more from your life, but don’t know where to begin? That is where I come in. We work together and simplify the steps, so it’s possible to make that change.

Memberships and Bootcamps


The EmpowHERment Movement Sisterhood Circle

Personalized 1:1 Programs

Now offering a 3 week Jump Start Sessions

Empowerment Coaching


1 on 1 Coaching

3 /6 Month Packages

EmpowHERment Call


“Michelle was very professional, empathic, knowledgeable, and supportive during all 12 weeks of the program. I could tell how much energy and care she exerted each week. Her dedication to making sure I was on task was very impactful. She made sure I understood my self-worth and the value of my body. It was an experience I will always remember. Thank you so much, Michelle!”

-Carin H. Chambersburg. PA

“Michelle is Awesome! She is very knowledgeable. I learned a lot about myself through her 90 Day Program. I felt like she actually cared about my success, which helped me believe in myself, too. I am so glad I invested in this experience and would do it again without hesitation. It has been a life changing journey.”

-Dawn D. Hagerstown, MD

“Working with Michelle has been incredible. She always meets me where I’m at, not matter what is going on in my life. She’s so patient and understanding, but still holds me accountable for making changes in my life. Her coaching style is no-nonsense, yet filled with kindness, compassion and love. Her authenticity shines, and she has a talent for showing you the best in yourself. I can’t say enough good things about Michelle as a person and a coach!”

-Katie M Seattle, WA


As a mom to an amazing child with special needs I focused on taking care of my son, and completely forgot about my own self-care. One day after a major medical scare with my son I found myself in his hospital room on the floor with a rapid response code being called on me. A team of medical staff rushed in and wheeled me off to the emergency department. My heart rate was 187 bpm and the team thought I was having a stroke. Luckily, I wasn’t, it was a severe anxiety attack. My son was finally safe, and after 96 hours of being awake and scared out of my mind I was able to close my eyes and sleep. Once my body started to come down from the extensive adrenaline rush my system crashed. It was at this time that I realized I needed to learn to make time for myself.


I decided to go to a yoga class, and after an amazing flow I had the most peaceful savasana (resting pose). I couldn’t remember the last time I was able to clear my mind and embrace that kind of relaxation. It was truly blissful. I knew in that moment that I needed to learn how to do this for myself and I so badly wanted to learn how to do this for others. I found a Yoga Teacher Training program, and I made it happen. The better I felt the more I wanted to be healthy and happy. I feel better than I have in 20 years, and I just wanted to keep moving forward. After graduating from the yoga program, I realized not everyone would be as excited about feeling relaxed through yoga, so I went back to school to become a Certified Life and Health Coach.

My passion is to help people learn how to move past the stresses that arise throughout the day and know that great things are possible for your life. I know it is possible to have dramatic change and live your best dreams. I provide a judgement free zone to help you remove obstacles that are holding you back.

I offer one on one sessions and host wellness workshops for mom’s and caregivers of children with special needs, and overwhelmed women that are looking for more. This is a stressful life, and I want to help you experience relaxation, re-energize, and have a joyful life.