Write Your Own Book

Written By : Michelle Finn

I used to believe that our life just happens to us, we have no real control. Do you believe that? Believe that your story has already been written, it is out of your hands? Are you the main character of a horror story, or a heart wrenching drama? Here is a secret if you don’t like your book REWRITE IT!!

 It really is that simple you have the POWER to change course. It doesn’t matter what your age, financial status, or situation you can change your life, if that is your desire.

Many of you have never seen my original manuscript. It was devastating. The little girl who was disowned at two, had a dad that didn’t love her, and as an adult settled for loveless, abusive relationship. She became stuck in that relationship, because she had a child with special needs, and couldn’t work, because she needed to care for her child.

I truly didn’t see a way out. Josh needed me, and that became my only role Josh’s mom/caregiver.

 I was financially dependent on others, and labeled myself as a pathetic, worthless loser. The things I called myself daily were horrific. What is even more horrific is that I believed what I was telling myself. When you speak negativity into your life negative things will happen. If I wouldn’t say it about someone else why in the world was I speaking to myself like that?

After years of believing my story and living this role that I created, this role that I was just a caregiver. That I was here to only serve others. The “pathetic loser” I finally broke. When Josh had his hip shattering seizure, I had to go into complete advocate mode. I had to protect him, advocate for him, and comfort him, but who was taking care of me? Once Josh was finally safe in his hospital bed, my body crashed, and I could hear over the intercom system a rapid response code going out for my son’s room, but they were coming for me. They thought I was having a stroke.

Over the next 6 months my health declined rapidly, I was so sick and in constant pain. I needed a cane to walk. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. I was told if I couldn’t relax, my symptoms that mimicked a stroke would turn into an actual stroke. I had a decision to make, either make time for myself, or become so sick that I eventually wouldn’t be able to take care of Josh.

 I chose to heal, and it all started with a yoga class.

Fast forward to now. I learned how to slow down and focus on myself. I became a better, more mentally present mom. I went back to school and got a bunch of certifications. I opened my own business where I get to help other special needs moms heal and overcome caregiver burnout.

I now pay my own bills, and even own my own home. I am no longer financially dependent on anyone.

I have come a long way from that woman who thought she was a “stupid loser” I now know that I am a force for change. I empower others to feel their worth, and to burn those biographies that are filled with harmful fiction. I am freaking kick ass and I am loving every minute of it. I now own my power. I am worthy of all the greatness that is coming to me.

The way we speak to ourselves has the ability to change our lives. You have the ability to change your life. Let me show you how.

I have a couple of one-on-one coaching spots coming available in January. These spots will go quickly so, if you are ready to step into your power, I am here to help you. Let’s do this togther.


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